# API Changelog
September 12, 2022 - Lines API
1. IMPROVEMENT - Tennis events trading.
Currently, all Tennis markets are offered with the Regular
, except for the Set Handicaps markets which have Sets
. The Set Handicaps markets events have the resulting unit and the handicap points in the team names and are offered as Moneylines.
Future tennis events will start using proper resultingUnit
and the Sets Handicaps markets will have handicap points removed from the team names and offered as spread markets.
February 19, 2019 - Lines API
1# FEATURE - New property liveStatus in the /v2/fixtures/special
Will start offering live betting on specials soon. This property was introduce so that clients can differentiate live from pregame specials. Please note that live delay will be applied to betting on live specials.
January 11, 2019 - Bets API
1# FIX - Added optional handicap parameter for placing straight bet /v2/bets/place
, This parameter to prevent NOT_EXISTS Error
Note: Input line id and alt line ID must be valid line id.
January 8, 2019 - Bets API
1# FEATURE - New property eventStartTime for straight and special bets in the /v3/bets
January 8, 2019 - Lines API
1# FEATURE - FEATURE - Added handicap parameter to /v2/line/special
As contestant’s handicap is a mutable property, it may happened that line/special returns status:SUCCESS, but with the different handicap from the one that client had at the moment of calling the line/special. One can specify handicap parameter in the request and if the contestant’s handicap changed, it would return status:NOT_EXISTS. This way line/special is more aligned to how /line works.
October 9, 2018 - Bets API
1# FEATURE - Add fillType parameter to /v2/bets/place
- NORMAL(Default) - bet will be placed on specified stake.
- FILLANDKILL - If the stake is over the max limit, bet will be placed on max limit, otherwise it will be placed on specified stake.
- FILLMAXLIMIT - bet will be places on max limit, stake amount will be ignored. Please note that maximum limits can change at any moment, which may result in risking more than anticipated. This option is replacement of isMaxStakeBet from v1/bets/place’
August 28, 2018 - Customer API
1# FEATURE - New version for getting Translations - /v3/translations
August 28, 2018 - Lines API
1# FEATURE - New version for getting Sports - v3/sports
to support new properties
- leagueSpecialsCount
- eventSpecialsCount
- eventCount
2# FEATURE - New version for getting Leagues - v3/leagues
to support new properties
- container
- leagueSpecialsCount
- eventSpecialsCount
- eventCount
3# FEATURE - New version for getting Fixtures - /v3/fixtures
- New parameter
- New properties
in response
4# FEATURE - New version for getting Special Fixtures - /v2/fixtures/special
5# FEATURE - New version for getting Settled Fixtures - /v3/fixtures/settled
- New property
in response
6# FEATURE - New version for getting Settled Special Fixtures - /v3/fixtures/special/settled
- New property
in response
7# FEATURE - New version for getting Straight Odds - /v3/odds
- New parameter
- New properties
in response
8# FEATURE - New version for getting Parlay Odds - /v3/odds/parlay
- New parameter
- New properties
in response
9# FEATURE - New operation /v1/odds/teaser
to get odds for specified teaser
10# FEATURE - New version for getting Special Odds - /v2/odds/special
11# FEATURE - New version for getting Straight Line - /v2/line
12# FEATURE - New version for getting Parlay Line - /v2/line/parlay
12# FEATURE - New version for getting Special Line - /v2/line/special
13# FEATURE - New operation /v1/line/teaser
to get bet limit and price on success
14# FEATURE - New version for getting inrunning - /v2/inrunning
15# FEATURE - New operation /v1/periods
to get all periods for a given sport
16# FEATURE - New operation /v1/teaser/groups
to get all teaser groups
17# FEATURE - New operation /v1/cancellationreasons
to get all the cancellation reasons
August 28, 2018 - Bets API
1# FEATURE - New version for placing straight bet - /v2/bets/place
Most important changes:
- New property
object in response
2# FEATURE - New version for placing parlay bet - /v2/bets/parlay
Most important changes:
- New property
object in response
3# FEATURE - New operation to place teaser bet - /v1/bets/teaser
4# FEATURE - New operation to place specials bet - /v2/bets/special
5# FEATURE - New version for getting Bets - /v3/bets
Most important changes: Support paging for getting bets
- New parameters
- New properties
in response
6# FEATURE - New version for getting Bets Settled - /v3/bets/settled
Most important changes: Support paging for getting bets
- New parameters
- New properties
in response