API Reference
The API reference documentation:
The API uses HTTP Basic access authentication. Always use HTTPS to access the API.
You need to send HTTP Request header like this:
Authorization: Basic <Base64 value of UTF-8 encoded “username:password”>
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Please note that in order to access PS3838 API, you must have a funded account.
Data Formats
PS3838 API supports only JSON format.
HTTP header Accept
must be set:
Accept: application/json
POST HTTP Request must have JSON body content and Content-Type
HTTP header must be set:
Content-Type: application/json
PS3838 API supports HTTP compression. We strongly recommend using compression as it would give the best performance.
Please make sure to set the User-Agent
HTTP header or compression might not work.
Date Time Format
All dates and times are in GMT time zone, ISO 8601 format
When a client issues a network request, it is always possible for the request to timeout or return an error status code indicating that the bet may not have been accepted. This opens up the possibility of the same request being sent more than once, which could create duplicate bets. Deduplication is a technique to avoid creating these duplicates when retrying a create request. We do the deduplication automatically for you.
If the bet is accepted, we store the uniqueRequestId
in the system for 30 min. If you try again within that time range to place a bet with the same uniqueRequestId
, you will get the appropriate error.
All place bet requests support deduplication.
API Status
You can follow PS3838 status page and subscribe to get the notifications on API status.
PS3838 API Open API Specification is hosted on GitHub.
PS3838 is not liable for use of the API for any purpose. The API is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.